We would like to invite all Conservative supporters to join our Association
By joining us you become a member of the Conservative Party. After you have been a member for 3 months you become entitled to a vote to decide who represents the Party in local, Scottish and General Elections. You also have a vote in elections for Party leader along with an invitation to our Associations' AGM where you can perhaps become part of our committee. You will also have the opportunity to apply to become a Local Councillor.
You also are able to attend all Party Conferences.
We like to keep all our members involved and the Association will send you regular newsletters along with invites to all our social events.
The suggested annual subscription is £25.00, Armed Forces - £15.00, Under 26 - £5.00. You may wish to give more than this if you choose. Our members subscription fees are what keeps us as an active part of the Conservative Party. We are a self funding Association and rely on the support of our members' fees and donations.
Please click the donate button to join as a member.
If you are having problems with Paypal or would like to pay for a subcription another way please contact the office at: pkconservatives@gmail.com or call 01738 553 990.
We are very grateful to you for your support.