Murdo Fraser MSP has called for a national roll-out of an initiative to provide venison on school menus.
He has lodged and circulated a Motion at the Scottish Parliament on the matter.
His Motion reads: That the Parliament congratulates Argyll and Bute Council for launching a pilot project, in collaboration with Wild Jura, in which venison is supplied to six schools on islands; notes that it uses wild venison from the Ardlussa, Barnhill, Tarbert and Ruantallain estates and that children from the Small Isles Primary on Jura tried wild venison meatballs and burgers, which now feature on the school menu, and asks other local authorities, including those in Mid-Scotland and Fife, to consider rolling this initiative out on a national level, given what it sees as the real health benefits of venison as a nutrient-dense meat, which is rich in protein and low in saturated fat, and the economic benefits to venison producers and Scotland’s rural economy.